Next Meeting

"LTG June Meeting and Summer Social"

Green Wood Lecture Theatre
Guys Campus, London
55 Weston Street, London, SE1 3RA

Friday 14th June 2024

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Download the programme in pdf for print

Meeting's Programme

09:30 – 10:15 Refreshments & exhibitors
10:15 – 11:00 "Staying safe - Why honest drugs education won’t lead to the world falling apart"
Adam Winstock, Consultant Psychiatrist & Addiction Medicine Specialist.
Honorary Clinical Professor, Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care. UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences.
Founder Global Drug Survey
Founder of the Staying Safe programme
11:00-11:45 "Overview of the statutory regulation of forensic science"
Gary Pugh OBE + Linsey Urquhart, Forensic Science Regulator
11:45 – 12:15 Sponsor Presentation
12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:00 "The impact of cannabis legislation in Canada"
Melissa Snider-Adler, Medical review Officer (via zoom)
14:00 – 14:30 "Type Approval – Drink & Drug Driving"
Abi Hickey, Scientific Support to Policy and Legislation
14:30-15:00 "TBC"
15:00 – 15:30 Refreshments & exhibitors
15:30 – 16:30 "Legal developments in the Misuse of Drugs"
Rudi Fortson, QC
16:30 – 17:00 "LTG Business meeting"

Please could all Committee members arrive by 9:00 am for an Executive Committee meeting.

Please, register here for the meeting!

Registrations will close on June 13th at midnight

If you would like to be part of a future LTG meeting, and sponsor a workshop, exhibitor stand or the whole meeting, please contact the Corporate Liaison Officer, Peter Akrill today! -

Please email the LTG secretary if you have any request or attendance changes to this meeting.